Modernizing Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management

RCM Modernization

As the industry evolves, provider organizations will need to continue to adjust to attain revenue cycle excellence. A provider’s financial well-being is nearly always tied to the revenue cycle of the clinical practice. Higher-performing organizations have high levels of stakeholder engagement “up and down” the organization creating cascading scorecards that build toward common organizational goals.

The Revenue Cycle Management Modernization Process

Healthcare Data Ecosystem

From large-scale initiatives that bundle enhanced revenue cycle functions with overall organization performance, to new technology implementations, to effectively leveraging outside expertise, modernizing the revenue cycle involves more than taking a few steps and is more of a journey. Architecting a modernization process is best begun by developing and documenting process workflows and overlaying functional

The Accelerating Importance of Data Analytics in Healthcare

A Prescription for Improving Patient and Institutional Financial Wellbeing The Accelerating Importance of Data Analytics in Healthcare – Part 1 of 5.   Data is the lifeblood of the next-generation health system, and innovative use of analytics will drive better outcomes and lower costs. Data analytics tools have the potential to transform health care in

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