Innovation: The “Now“ Modern Healthcare Data Architecture

healthcare data architecture, healthcare analytics,

CTI Healthcare blog series: A Prescription for Improving Patient and Institutional Financial Wellbeing Innovation: The “Now“ Modern Healthcare Data Architecture  Part 5 of 5. The healthcare industry produces massive volumes of data every day—from claims and cost data to clinical trials, electronic medical records, and even online patient sentiments. on-the-fly. most professionals within the industry,

Creating a Healthcare Data Ecosystem – A Lesson from the Business World

Healthcare Data Ecosystem

CTI Healthcare blog series: A Prescription for Improving Patient and Institutional Financial Wellbeing Creating a Healthcare Data Ecosystem – A Lesson from the Business World – Part 4 of 5. The healthcare industry has been playing IT catch-up, as the IT paradigm is already changing.    Healthcare technology, by that I mean the IT that runs

The “Now” Healthcare Innovation

healthcae data revolution and innovation

CTI Healthcare blog series: A Prescription for Improving Patient and Institutional Financial Wellbeing The “Now” Healthcare Innovation Part 3 of 5. The business of healthcare is a mess. Observe the deep-rooted dual challenges of escalating costs coupled with deteriorating health – it’s an unsustainable paradox not only for the healthcare industry but for society in

Healthcare’s Data Revolution: Complicated

CTI Healthcare blog series: A Prescription for Improving Patient and Institutional Financial Wellbeing Healthcare’s Data Revolution: It’s Complicated – Part 2 of 5. In my last blog post The Accelerating Importance of Data Analytics in Healthcare, I discussed how and why business intelligence is fast becoming a critical strategic driver for health care.  In this

What Can Fundraisers Learn from Sales Data Science?

For the past few years we’ve worked closely with Higher Education Institutions on applying data analytics to optimize student admissions, financial aid, student retention and academic outcomes. We recognized from the onset that this student “lifecycle” has a straight progression to an alumni lifecycle which has a critical goal of fostering school loyalty and giving.

Machine Learning Marketing Attribution – Game Changer or Gimmick?

At CTI, we have been helping our clients harness the power of marketing analytics to grow revenues.  There is no shortage of customer centric data, but the real trick is the ability to bring all the data points together in a cohesive and useful manner this is actionable. It is truly a big data challenge

Graph Databases Not All Hype

At least that’s what I thought when I first starting hearing about graph database technology. I’m a business person, not a database expert.  Our business is simply stated, delivering high value insights for the enterprise through analytics.  So, when our CTO, Kurt Rosenfeld, explained to me what “what is possible” with graph databases I knew

The Importance of Analytics to Cybersecurity

In part 5 of 6 Vlogs, CTI’s Director of Cybersecurity, Ben Thurston makes the connection between cybersecurity monitoring and analytics. Ben explains the importance of analytics in gathering data and information from multiple security sources to provide insight into what is going on from a security/risk posture. Security analytics, like the CTI CustomerUniverse, collects information

Marketing and Cybersecurity – Protecting Against Breaches

Marketing people have access to a lot of customer data – and that makes them prime targets for data breaches – Mark Janowicz talks to Ben Thurston about what marketing professional needs to know about cybersecurity. In this second of six video blogs, CTI’s Ben Thurston explains that not all data are treated equally and

Marketing Analytics and Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity and marketing analytics go hand-in-hand because at the end of the day it’s still about keeping data about your customer and prospects safe and out of the hands of cyber criminals.  You certainly do not want the theft of sensitive information to be the next news headline! In this first of six video blogs,

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